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Kolestern Tea




Kolesteren tea contains -    Taraxacum (Dandelion), Silybum Marianum (Gadilan), Calendula, Lemon Verbena, Olive leaves, Hibiscus, Alfalfa, Plantago.



Seientific publications and more material about healing herbs




TARAXACUM (Dandelion)



Life Sciences, 2004 Jan. 16; 74(9): 1149-1157


Alternative Medicine Review, 1999 Apr.; 4(2): 112-114


Human and Experimental Toxicology, 1990 Jul.; 9(4): 235-244


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Kuusi T. Pysalo H. Autio K. The bitterness of dandelion ll. Chemical investigations. Lebensum Wiss Technol. 18:347-349, 1985.


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Silybum Marianum



Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2003 Jun; 9 (3):411-466.


Gastroenterology Nursing, 2001 Mar.-Apr. 24 (2): 95-97.


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Bashir S, Janbaz KH, Jabeen Q, Gilani AH. Studies on spasmogenic and spasmolytic activities of Calendula officinalis flowers.

Phytother Res. 2006 Aug 14


Jimenez-Medina E, Garcia-Lora A, Paco L, Algarra I, Collado A, Garrido F. A new extract of the plant Calendula Officinalis produces a dual in vitro effect: cytotoxic anti-tumor activity and lymphocyte activation.

BMC Cancer. 2006 May 5;6:119.


Barajas-Farias LM, Perez-Carreon JI, Arce-Popoca E, Fattel-Fazenda S, Aleman-Lazarini L, Hernandez-Garcia S, Salcido-Neyoy M, Cruz-Jimenez FG, Camacho J, Villa-Trevino S. A dual and opposite effect of Calendula officinalis flower extract: chemoprotector and promoter in a rat hepatocarcinogenesis model.

Planta Med. 2006 Feb;72(3):217-21.


Ferreyra CF, Ortiz CS. Simultaneous determination of bifonazole and tinctures of calendula flower in pharmaceutical creams by reversed-phase liquid chromatography.

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Duran V, Matic M, Jovanovc M, Mimica N, Gajinov Z, Poljacki M, Boza P. Results of the clinical examination of an ointment with marigold (Calendula officinalis) extract in the treatment of venous leg ulcers.

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Luten JD, Boyd L, Hanson MB, Lillie D, Gullion C, Madden TE. A clinical study: Melaleuca, Manuka, Calendula and green tea mouth rinse.

Phytother Res. 2005 Nov;19(11):951-7.


Kishimoto S, Maoka T, Sumitomo K, Ohmiya A. Analysis of carotenoid composition in petals of calendula (Calendula officinalis L.). Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2005 Nov;69(11):2122-8


Ciardullo AV. Calendula and thermal baths for treating a high-grade iatrogenic disability.

J Altern Complement Med. 2005 Oct;11(5):787. 





Olive Leaves




Phytomedicine, 2004 Feb.; 11 (2-3): 121-129.


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Visioli F. and Gali C. Oleuropein protects low density lipoprotein from oxidation. Life Science 55: 1965-1971, 1994.


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Pasquale AD. Monforte MT. Calaro ML. HPLC analysis of oleuropein and some Flavonoids in leaf and bud of Olea europea L. II Farmaco, 46 :803-815,1991.


Keville K. OLIVE, Olea europaea, The American Herb Association, 13: 3-4, 1997.







Everything stated is within the scope of general information, and is not considered medical advice.

Before use it is recommended to read further material and to consult a doctor.

In any case of medical problem, the treating physician should be consulted.


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