NUFAR Natural Products was established in 1995 as a company involved in the development, production and marketing of natural products to pharmacies, health food shops and naturopaths.
The content in this website does not constitute a medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider with any question or concerns you have on your medical condition.
for information: +972-89358135 | +972-522441789
kashrut certification
I here by approve that the "Nufar Natural products" Herbal mixtures for brew which are being manufactured in the " Tibulim Ram Ltd" factory in Kibbutz "Ramat Yochanan" are under my supervision and supervising in the matter of "Kashrut" and all the laws concerning kosher food.
The supervisor name: Mr. Moshe Danino; Tel - 972-52-3744048.
In addition to the above. all donations (Jewish law) Terumah and "Maaser" (priestly tithe on produce) were set aside, from all Israeli growing kinds and there is not any concern of foreskin (Jewish law) fruits from the first three years of a tree`s life or seventh by a permit of the Rabbinate.
The Kashrut certification includes all the mentioned products below:
l. Glucodan tea 2. Cholesteren tea 3. Pressure tea
Cranberry tea 5. Asmadan Tea 6. Barili tea 7. Margion tea 8. Nufar Sweet & Slim
By the Supervision of Rabbi Ya`akov-Mor Yosef.
Regional Supervisor "Emek Zvulun" - Moshe Danino